The price of offsetting

by Admin

Posted on 19-07-2022 12:58 pm

A complete guide to carbon offsetting

Carbon offsetting can be used for carbon -intensive activities such as air travel, electricity consumption, and shopping. ton You can easily acquire carbon credits – that counter your emissions through third-party platforms and organizations such as terrapass , carbonfund among others. Carbon emitters who purchase carbon offsets are gaining the ability to continue producing carbon without negatively affecting the environment. However, it’s worth emphasizing here, before you spring your wallet and buy individual credits, look at the alternatives. Can you plant a tree? can you find more ways to reduce your carbon footprint , such as driving less, reducing food waste, and recycling more? if you need ideas, our green living guides can get you started in the right direction.

Over 30 iata member airlines have introduced an offset program either integrated into their web-sales engines or to a third party offset provider. Iata’s program brings both standardization to the process and makes it possible for airlines of any size to easily introduce a credible and independently validated offset program. Our program offers best practice in the structure and implementation of carbon offsetting. Offsets are carefully selected and accounted for, and the issue of carbon calculation has been resolved by committing to the icao methodology supplemented with actual airline carbon data. Carbon offset program guidelines (pdf) faqs for airline participants (pdf).

First and foremost, offsetting can only be a solution in conjunction with reducing emissions. Secondly, the footprint calculation must be compliant with the ghg protocol. Finally, make sure that offset projects are certified by industry standards and come from reputable providers that carry out a strict due diligence process, such as planetly by onetrust. Download the whitepaper to learn more: the guide for setting corporate climate goals you may also be interested in a free initial estimate of your ghg emissions with our 5-minute carbon calculator.

Achieving net carbon zero is the scenario where your business has a carbon footprint of zero. Ideally this would be achieved by eliminating your greenhouse gas emissions completely. However, sometimes it is not financially feasible to eliminate them and in other situations it is impossible. For example, if your business involves concrete then carbon dioxide will be emitted during the process of making it. The united nations recognised the difficulty of reaching net carbon zero at the kyoto protocol in 1992. They created a concept called carbon offsetting. Carbon offsetting is the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to counter the greenhouse gases that you have put into it. If you think of your carbon footprint as a form of accounting, then your emissions are your expenditure and any carbon offsets you buy is your revenue.

Do offset projects actually deliver the carbon benefits they promise?

Our verified carbon offsetting projects are carefully selected or developed by our team of climate finance experts and project developers to ensure they deliver real carbon emission reductions and life-enhancing social benefits. As internationally accredited climate finance specialists and offsetting project developers, we know offsetting inside out. additional With the urgent global goal of net zero, offsetting is helping many businesses and organisations to achieve their carbon neutral goals whilst they continue to reduce their emissions. That is why now, more than ever, it is important that the projects being used to offset emissions are credible and upheld to the most rigorous of standards.

The price of offsetting

Many people are confused by the low prices of carbon offsets. If it's so bad for the environment to fly, can a few pounds really be enough to counteract the impact? the answer is that, at present, there are all kinds of ways to reduce emissions very inexpensively. After all, a single low-energy lightbulb, available for just £1 or so, can over the space of six years save 250kg of co2 – equivalent to a short flight. That's not to say that offsetting is necessarily valid, or that plugging in a low-energy lightbulb makes up for flying. The point is simply that the world is full of inexpensive ways to reduce emissions.