How to carbon offset the impact of your e-commerce business

Carbon offsets for e-commerce quick facts ecocart about: a google chrome extension that automatically offsets the environmental impact of your online order when you shop with one of their partners. Funds offset projects including forest conservation, ocean cleanup, efficient cookstoves, and clean water filters. Cost for consumers: 1-2% of your cart total cost for businesses: free cloverly about: a flexible api that calculates and neutralizes carbon emissions on a per-transaction basis by using inputs such as shipping weight and origination and destination postal codes, amongst others. Funds offset projects including improved forest management, solar power, landfill gas capture, energy efficiency, wind power, and avoided deforestation. Carbon-neutral shipping isn’t the only way to offset your business’s environmental impact. Depending on your margins and your level of commitment to sustainability, there’s always more you can do to give back what you take (or contribute to sustainability-minded causes). You can directly purchase carbon offsets, for example, to compensate for your emissions when flying or shipping packages the traditional way. (look for carbon offset companies that are certified by auditors or standards groups like green-e or the gold standard. ) you may also opt to incorporate charity into your business — perhaps by donating a portion of your profits

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Offsetting carbon emissions is the core to sustainability efforts in almost any organisation

A complete guide to carbon offsetting Achieving net carbon zero is the scenario where your business has a carbon footprint of zero. Ideally this would be achieved by eliminating your greenhouse gas emissions completely. However, sometimes it is not financially feasible to eliminate them and in other situations it is impossible. For example, if your business involves concrete then carbon dioxide will be emitted during the process of making it. The united nations recognised the difficulty of reaching net carbon zero at the kyoto protocol in 1992. They created a concept called carbon offsetting. Carbon offsetting is the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to counter the greenhouse gases that you have put into it. If you think of your carbon footprint as a form of accounting, then your emissions are your expenditure and any carbon offsets you buy is your revenue. Start a carbon offsetting business by following these 10 steps: plan your carbon offsetting business form your carbon offsetting business into a legal entity register your carbon offsetting business for taxes open a business bank account & credit card set up accounting for your carbon offsetting business get the necessary permits & licenses for your carbon offsetting business get carbon offsetting business insurance define your carbon offsetting business brand create your carbon offsetting business website set up your business phone system there is more to starting a business than just

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How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Individuals and corporations can take a number of steps to reduce their carbon footprints and thus contribute to global climate mitigation. They can purchase carbon offsets (broadly stated, an investment in a carbon-reducing activity or technology) to compensate for part or all of their carbon footprint. If they purchase enough to offset their carbon footprint, they become effectively carbon neutral. Carbon footprints can be reduced through improving energy efficiency and changing lifestyles and purchasing habits. Switching one’s energy and transportation use can have an impact on primary carbon footprints. For example, using public transportation, such as buses and trains, reduces an individual’s carbon footprint when compared with driving. As awareness of climate change grows, so does the desire to do something about it. But the scale of the problems it causes—from wildfires to melting glaciers to droughts—can seem utterly overwhelming. It can be hard to make a connection between our everyday lives and the survival of polar bears, let alone how we as individuals can help turn the situation around. One way to gain a quantifiable understanding of the impacts of our actions, for good and bad, is through what is known

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Carbon footprints of products [ edit ]

Welcome to Carbon Footprint Target setting robust carbon /energy & environ mental management iso 14001 , science based targets , supply chain footprinting carbon neutrality/net zero carbon to enhance your brands, products & services via quality assurance standard approved carbon offsetting caring for the climate and communities with our unique carbon offset projects - uk , americas , global. Verifiedcite while every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any question s. Select citation style external websites feedback feedback type thank you for your feedback our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Global footprint network - climate change: carbon footprint take a part - what is a carbon footprint? how do you calculate your carbon footprint? environ mental protecion agency - carbon footprint calculator center for sustainable systems - carbon footprint factsheet table of con tents verifiedcite while every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emission s that come from the production , use and end-of-life of a product or service. It includes carbon dioxide — the gas most common ly

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The price of offsetting

A complete guide to carbon offsetting Carbon offsetting can be used for carbon-intensive activities such as air travel, electricity consumption, and shopping. You can easily acquire carbon credits – that counter your emissions through third-party platforms and organizations such as terrapass , carbonfund among others. Carbon emitters who purchase carbon offsets are gaining the ability to continue producing carbon without negatively affecting the environment. However, it’s worth emphasizing here, before you spring your wallet and buy individual credits, look at the alternatives. Can you plant a tree? can you find more ways to reduce your carbon footprint , such as driving less, reducing food waste, and recycling more? if you need ideas, our green living guides can get you started in the right direction. Over 30 iata member airlines have introduced an offset program either integrated into their web-sales engines or to a third party offset provider. Iata’s program brings both standardization to the process and makes it possible for airlines of any size to easily introduce a credible and independently validated offset program. Our program offers best practice in the structure and implementation of carbon offsetting. Offsets are carefully selected and accounted for, and the issue of carbon

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